Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Boost your Immune system Naturally

Not many of us really know what exactly our Immune system compries of.
It is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues and organs wherein the White blood cells are the major fighting cells of the immune system.
Whenever any foreign substance like a bacteria or a virus enters your body then it is the natural immune system that finds this pathogen, destroys it and removes it completely from your body.
But the Irony in present day is that the human body immunity levels have come down terribly owing to Modern fast culture and Unhygienic diets. People look for temporary remedies in health disorders rather than developing their Body immunity naturally that will protect then in long run.The solution here is...boosting your immune system naturally.

  • Maintain clean and Hygienic atmosphere.
  • Eat nutritious foods, especially those high in vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, and Calcium like Whole grains.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to sun, pollutants and toxic chemicals.
  • Keep your Back and spine healthy and well aligned if possible with regular workouts.

Few natural immune system boosters...
  • Just like "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away" , "A single bulb of garlic a day, keep diseases away". Garlic is an excellent source that exhibits antioxidant, immune-supporting and circulatory-supporting action. It is the best natural immune support, so do include it in your daily diet.
  • Lemons, papaya, and pineapple are excellent for changing the pH environment in the mouth, throat, and digestive system that help kill and prevent further growth of bacteria and viruses. So make it an habit of having atleast one of them.
Do build up a good immune system naturally that will make keep you strong in the long run.