Friday, March 6, 2009

Mental Stress-Remedies

What Everybody Ought to Know About Stress

When hearing the word "stress" - negative meanings often come to mind. The truth is that certain levels of stress can increase our effectiveness, job productivity and generally can be very helpful. As long as you control the stress and not vice versa. Stress gets the adrenaline hormone flowing through the body, which in turn makes senses sharpen and blood run more vigorously through the veins. This provides energy to the human body, and we all know what it is like to function without energy. Everything looks overwhelming, we feel tired, it seems to us that the task or tasks we need to do can't be done right now. The right level of stress can help us function, be more efficient and even increase our memorizing abilities.
So, when a person is experiencing stress the correct question should be - How can the levels of stress be lowered so that one can enjoy positive outcome and avoid negative outcomes?

These are several Stress Management Techniques...

1. Set achievable goals for yourself. A great deal of stress can come from situations you choose to put yourself in. Whether it's a stressful career, taking care of some matter of highest important to you or even a stressing daily chore, it is not wrong to consider "going easy" on yourself. Try to sit quietly and realize what you expect from yourself, what is realistic to expect and is taking too much of your energy and time.
2. Set aside time for relaxation. Even when the goals you have set for yourself and to do list are both very sensible, relaxation is important.
3. Use your choice of stress therapy. Sometimes relaxation is not enough. Then, a little extra something is needed in order to lower the tension and stress levels your body is feeling. This can be a warm bath, listening to music, have a walk in the park or whatever else helps you.

Five Quick Stress Management Techniques You Can Use Right Now!
How do you react when things don't go your way? Do you stay positive or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? Our personality determines to a great extent how we handle stress in our lives. Here are 5 quick stress techniques to help keep your life in control.
1. Sleep more. Most people don't get the needed sleep they deserve; it's common for people to sleep less than 6 hours. According to Experts we need at least 8 hours. Both the body and mind need this time to rest. Lack of sleeps tends to make us tired and cranky. One way to fight this is to make your bedroom a sacred place. Don't use it to watch the news or finish up some work from the office. Instead it should be a place to relax and escape from your daily worries.
2. Faith. Reciting a short prayer in times of stress can give you a sense of calm. Studies have shown that people who trust in something beyond themselves have lower blood pressure. Try not to hold a grudge over someone because it can affect your health.
3. Go offline. Most people depend on their cell phones or computers in ways that can sometimes be straining. The convenience of them can actually do more harm than good. This accessibility means that we can be contacted and interrupted by people from work. Sometimes you also need to break from friends who call you every day. Go offline and let them know you can not be reached at certain times.
4. Take a holiday. It doesn't have to be a luxurious vacation resort. A day at the beach or an afternoon at the park can be just what you need. Any place where you feel free and avoid thoughts about work, bills or other things that causes tensions. It's important to take time for yourself, so do it! You will feel better if you let yourself.
5. Indulge. Join a yoga class at your local gym or community center. You'll feel much better after just one session. A massage or a spa session is also a great way to recharge your batteries. You'll walk out feeling like a new person.
Stress can be hard to avoid. But how you handle it is up to you. Try these Suggestions and see what works for you!

Stress Management - Relieve Your Stress by Helping Others
If you're anything like me you get something on your mind and you can't think of anything else. It's almost like we're looking for a way to not only get stressed, but to stay stressed. By keeping a negative thought continuously flowing in your mind your heading down the path of stress and depression. This takes its toll on you and your family. It can affect the way you react to your spouse and kids. Causing arguments that just keep going.
How about if I told you one of the best ways to help yourself is by helping others. When you help people that are less fortunate then you and yes there are people less fortunate then you- you are almost force to stop thinking of your own problems and see life in a whole new prospective. The stack of bills are not as important when you see someone without a home, that argument about whose turn it is to make dinner has less importance when you realize that you have a dinner to prepare.
Volunteering doesn't have to be a big or long term commitment so no excuses please. So take the focus off yourself and put it on someone or something else in a positive way.
So you don't know where to volunteer. Here's a list to get you started.
1. Local Church - need volunteers in the kitchen or at funerals and other services
2. Library - put books away or read to the children
3. Meals on Wheels - deliver meals to the homebound
4. Nursing home - just someone to talk, read, play games. If you want to do something really big adopt a grandparent.
5. Animal shelter - those pets need to be fed cared for and maybe a little love wouldn't hurt.
6. If all else fails check out Volunteers of America website.
Find something that suites you and your interests and your personality. If you don't feel comfortable with children don't volunteer to read to them at the library.
Volunteering keeps you from taking little things for granted and focus on the most important things in life. It feels good and you'll find you have an attitude of gratitude. Can you think of a better way to get rid of stress and depression.
Learn how to dramatically improve your stress relief results by claiming your FREE 5 Part customized home study course. You get instant access at

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