Friday, March 13, 2009
Mesothelioma - Symptoms n Treatment
Chest wall pain is common in Mesothelioma.
Pleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lung .
Shortness of breath .
Fatigue or anemia .
Wheezing, hoarseness, or cough is also seen .
Problems with bowel function and weight loss as in other cancers is also a symptom .
Jaundice, or yellowing of the eyes and skin low blood sugar level pleural effusion ood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up (hemoptysis ) is detected in mesothelioma.
In severe cases, the person may have many tumor masses. The individual may develop a pneumothorax, or collapse of the lung. The disease may metastasize, or spread, to other parts of the body.
There are more treatment possibilities for Mesothelioma cancer than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy: the clinical trials.
Surgery for malignant mesothelioma is divided into a number of sub-classes, which are specially designed to limit the disease for individuals with particular strains of the disease.
The surgical procedure pleurodesis is a distinct technique insofar as it employs a blend of chemicals and/or drugs to create an intentional scar between the layers of the pleura. Post surgery, the space created by the scar must be drained, using either a catheter or chest tube, and is then filled with a chemical which inhibits the accumulation of fluid in the pleura cavity.
The second primary medical technique used to fight the development of malignant mesothelioma is radiation where high energy x-rays are used to kill cancer cells.
Chemotherapy involves the use of two or more anticancer drugs which can be administered either orally or through injection that target cancer cells and stop them from dividing and thus prevent their growth.
Malignant mesothelioma is a difficult disease for anyone to bear, however, educating oneself as to the options available is an important step for making the process more manageable.
Serious Health Issues- Cancer
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth , invasion , and sometimes spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not. The branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is oncology.
Cancer may affect people at all ages, even fetuses, but the risk for most varieties increases with age.Cancer causes about 13% of all deaths. According to the American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people died from cancer in the world during 2007. Cancers can affect all animals.
Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may be randomly acquired through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from birth.
Diagnosis usually requires the histologic examination of a tissue biopsy specimen by a pathologist, although the initial indication of malignancy can be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different varieties of cancer.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hair Care
Latest Technologies are available for getting the most of out of hair care.
Your Skin Care
What are the steps that must be followed?
What should a lady do in order to have a healthy skin?
What needs to be done by one to prevent aging and other indications of aging?
Tips to obtain beautiful skin can be much easy and utile.Keep knowledge of what is in skin care products. prefer skin care products that are made of natural ingredients.Prefer skin care products that contain Dead Sea Minerals. These minerals smoothe away presented indications of aging such as laugh lines, crows feet, and dullness.Use substances that have natural minerals. Dead Sea Minerals penetrate into the skin to enable cell renewal after sun exposure. Even in the ancient times Dead sea salt and mud were used by Queen Cleopatra to maintain health.If possible, buy paraben free beauty products. Parabens are synthetic preservatives that are widely used in skin care products.Sip abundance of water. Water humidifies skin and hair as well as removes toxins out of your body.Check your stress or learn to manage it effectively.Anxiety is destructive physically. Find anxiety reliever activity that works most efficiently for you and follow it daily.Dead Sea Mineral Skin care products - the most effective natural way to beautiful skin.
Diet and Weightloss
The problem is the ways in which they expect you to accomplish this.StarvationMany diet plans will not call what they are selling starvation but that is exactly what your body thinks is going on. Diets that restrict your caloric intake to dangerously low levels will not work and what is more they are dangerous. When you suddenly drop the caloric intake, your body is used to this sends up red flags. The body will then act in your best interest by slowing down the rate at which you burn calories. This is what is referred to as starvation mode; the body will protect life for as long as it can naturally.Food Group EliminationThe next level of fad diets includes ones that tell you to eliminate an entire food group from your diet. The most common ones are no fat diets where you eat nothing with fat in it or as little as is humanly possible. The problem here is twofold, one our bodies need some fat to function properly, and two, deprivation mode works even less than starvation. What you cannot have is what you will focus on, you will crave the food as you never have and eventually you will eat it anyway. This same rule applies to carbohydrate limiting diets or the diet that says you can only eat from one food group. Bottom line it is neither healthy nor sustainable.Fat Loss 4 IdiotsFat Loss for Idiots does none of these things. This is a diet where you will likely eat more than you do now, or at least more often. The key is less about the amounts and more about the type and combinations of foods.This is achieved through what is called calorie shifting. The idea is that your body is not aware of what you will eat tomorrow or the next day. It can only process information from the past several days. So you change the type of calories you eat every few days. Of course, the calories must be of a fast burning type so that your shocked metabolism will burn them quickly and then shift to your fat stores.
The perfect thing about this particular online diet is they have an online diet generator, which will help you change your diet every few days. They also provide support that will tell you how to order food at restaurants to continue losing weight. Think about it a diet where you do not count calories, eliminate foods, starve yourself or drink horrid shakes, what could be better than that?Fat loss diet is just such a diet, one where you will eat more and still lose weight. The average weight Loss 4 Idiots is nine pounds in 11 days!

Detoxify Your Body
Everyone nowadays is health conscious and our daily diet plays a Vital role to make us Fit n Fine.Even though we take utmost care of our health,our body is prone to many toxins in many ways.Therefore Body cleansing diet i.e Detoxifying Diet is of great significance.
If you believe you have ingested a great deal of chemicals and you find yourself fatigued, the detox diet will be greatly beneficial for your overall health and well-being.
This diet benefits your body more than any other diet available on the market.One benefit is it's effect on kidneys. It helps to cleanse the kidneys and reduce the risk of kidney stones.Frequent bathroom visits can lead to irritation and breakdown of skin on your bottom as well as dehydration.
Master cleanse detox diet: The belief is that when we cook our foods, we are destroying the helpful Enzymes in our food that help with several critical functions such as digestion and the absorption of food. In other words take it SLOW and EASY. One should also consider juice dieting or water fasting without K-tea at all.Such a diet can take many forms such as a special diet nutritional supplements herbs hydrotherapy exercise breathing techniques and/or sauna. To be sure ask your doctor about it.
The basic flaw with detox diets is concept that "Meat has a higher level of Toxins than Fruits and vegetables".If there was some sort of test I could take to make sure my body could tolerate this regimen before I took tablespoons of Epsom Salts by mouth I would consider it. Also stay away from the diet drinks like beers,whole milk,cereal aisle at the market and stay away from munchies period.
The detox diet plans for women process is not an easy one and is certainly not short. With the lemon diet the individual is also taught to keep a record or a diet journal to record the daily process and progress of elimination of the toxins. Try to avoid the harsh colon cleansers and complete fasts as these tend to "shock" your system and release a large volume of harmful substances into the bloodstream at one time. Technically there's no limit as to how much juice you can take.
Detox diets: There are certainly many more detox diet recipes that are available using the target food group that can be found online from several different sources. Many of the online diet sites have hundreds of home detox recipes to chose from. It's the body's natural filter that helps convert toxins into substances that can be discarded easily.Do read on for more on
Sample Diet: Banana Porridge:Simply make regular porridge and add banana honey raisins and yogurt to taste. These reactions are quite common even with the best Detox Diets for the acne although most of them last for brief periods.For mid afternoon snack take chamomile tea.You will feel a sense of renewed energy after the fast.However this type of diet may have unpleasant results that can last for several days up to a few weeks. This unique cleansing system has been used for many years now and is one of the most popular natural detox diets available to this day.
You can find further information at...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Yoga For Happiness

How can Yoga help someone with establishing and maintaining good relationships???
Successful relationships require mutual effort from both sides. Whether a relationship is with someone at work, at home, or with a friend, there is a need to maintain a stable connection. If there is an emotional connection, such as love or romance, this can be complicated, but Santosha can still be applied.
What is Santosha? In the Yoga Sutras, Santosha is one of the listed Niyamas (moral observances). The Niyamas could easily be identified as virtues. Within the Yoga Sutras, Maharishi Patanjali reveals Santosha and its value in daily life.
Santosha is often described as a state of contentment. If you can maintain a state of contentment, you can find happiness, and you can remain happier for longer periods of time. We should be pro-active in our cultivation of contentment, in order to release the mind from the burdens of pain.
Yet, how does this apply toward cultivating successful and healthy relationships? Practice complete acceptance of friends, co-workers, associates, and family members. In other words: Accept each individual for who he, or she, is, without pre-conditions.
Do not hold anyone to your expectations. To accept people for who they are is extremely difficult for some people. Relationships often fail because of pre-conceived expectations. Many people go out on a "first date" with a pre-qualifying list of requirements for a prospective partner to fulfill.
While it is true that each of us has expectations in regard to the pursuit of a "soul mate," it is also true that you cannot change people to suit your requirements. This concept applies to every relationship we have. You can choose your spouse and friendships carefully, but you must accept what you cannot control.
A passive state of mind will also help cultivate your work, business, and family relationships. Patanjali points us toward the appreciation of life's difficulties. It is easy to embrace joy, happiness, and bliss. On the other hand, life can be full of suffering, pain, and sorrow.
Santosha teaches each of us to accept and learn from the difficult experiences we will encounter in life. Know that life will change, and we should be happy with what we have at this moment. When we stop the outer world from affecting our inner-being, we have found true happiness.
It is hard to believe that one Niyama can be so valuable, but contentment, and the resulting states of happiness, will serve a Yoga practitioner like a flashlight down a dark path. Light gives us vision and focus. With the help of Santosha, a dark path that we were once lost on, can become an adventurous journey.
To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:
Yoga For Health
Yoga as a system of physical exercise has been in existence in India since very ancient times. According ot our ancient sages, there are eight stages of Yoga, namely Yama (Social Discipline), Niyama (Individual Discipline), Asana (Postures), Pranayama (Breath Control), Pratyahara (Mental Discipline), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana also called meditation and Samadhi (Self-realization). If an aspirant, after observing the disciplines of Yama and Niyama, practises Yogic exercises, his tubular channels are cleansed, he achieves excellent health and his mind becomes alert. This enables him to experience mental ecstasy.

Man has made tremendous progress in almost every walk of life. We have now achieved objects once considered impossible to be achieved. What we have achieved and accomplished today could not have been imagined in their dreams by our past generations. Modern scientists and researchers have absolutely changed our life-style. Science has been incessantly pouring on us new materials and devices to make our physical life more happy and comfortable.
However, pollution of air, water, body and mind is also the result of science. We witness despair and disappointment on the faces of our young generation. Signs of restlessness are apparently visible in the dry and dull eyes of our young men and women. Sloping shoulders, flat chests and bulging stomachs have become their characteristics. Why?
Today, we can claim that we are modern and civilized but cannot claim that we are genuinely happy. We, today, use tranquillizers for sleep, pills for purgative and tonics for vigour. Tranquillizers and sedatives are in vogue in our modern society. Charmed by and then, addicted to intoxicative drugs, our youth is led to the path of disgrace and self-destruction.
Longing for material wealth has hardened our heart. Human values are declining. Work to time, competition and commotion have made us suffer from stress and strain. Mental tension or strain produces undesirable consequences. Stress and strain are the causes of physical as well as psychological diseases such as diabetes, cancer, acidity, ulcer, migraine and hypertension.
How can we prevent ourselves from being strained and degenerated? Should we return to the cave-life and live as the aborigines lived?
As a matter of fact, to do this is neither practical nor necessary. Yoga has the surest remedies for man's physical as well as psychological ailments. Yoga makes the organs of the body active in their functioning and has good effect on internal functioning of the human body. Yoga changes for good man's views on, and attitude to, life.
The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind the yoke. It is the true union of our will with the will of God.Our ancient sages have suggested eight stages of Yoga to secure purity of body, mind and soul and final communion with God. These eight stages are known as Ashtangayoga.
Stop exercise when you develop pain. Avoid that particular posture or movement in future sessions. Discuss the matter with your doctor yoga may simply have unmasked an underlying health problem. Drink lots of water during and after a session. Remember that yoga may make you sweat but it is not a substitute for walking and other aerobic exercise. It is not a good aerobic exercise and is poor at burning calories. The good news is practicing yoga will make you feel better than any form of exercise.
The eight stages of Yoga are as follows :
1. Yama (Social Discipline): Yama means restraint or abstention. It contains five moral practices. They are: Non-violence (Ahimsa), Truthfulness (Satya), Non-stealing (Asteya), Celibacy (Brahmacharya) and Non-acquisitiveness (Aparigraha).
2. Niyama (Individual Discipline): Rules of conduct towards oneself consist of certain disciplines which are both physical and mental. These are five in number:
Cleanliness (Shaucha), Contentment (Santosha), Austerity (Tapas), Self-Study (Svadhyaya) and Surrender to God (Ishvara Pranidhana)
3. Asana (Postures): Asana means holding the body in a particular posture to bring stability to the body and poise to the mind. The practice of asana brings purity in tubular channels, firmness to the body and vitality to the body and the mind. There are many asanas, but keeping in view a comman's health, 65 asanas have been in practice and will be soon available at this website.
4. Pranayama (Breath Control): The literal meaning of Pranayama is Breath Control. The aim of practising Pranayama is to stimulate, regulate and harmonize vital energy of the body. Just as a bath is required for purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the body. Just as a bath is required to purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the mind.
5. Pratyahara (Discipline of the Senses): The extroversion of the sense organs due to their hankering after worldly objects has to be restrained and directed inwards towards the source of all existence. This process of drawing the sense inwards is Pratyahara or putting the sense under restraint.
6. Dharana (Concentration): Dharana means focusing the pure mind on one's personal deity or on the individual self. The practice of Dharana helps the mind to concentrate on a particular object.
7. Dhyana (Meditation): When one sustains and maintains the focus of attention through Dharana unbound by time and space, it becomes Dhyana (Meditation). Deep concentration destroys the Rajas and Tamas Gunas of mind and develops the Satvika Gunas (qualities).
8. Samadhi (Self-Realisation): The eight and final stage of Yoga is Samadhi. At this stage, one's identity becomes both externally and internally immersed in meditation. The meditator, the act of meditation and the object meditated upon, all the three shed their individual characteristics and merge with one single vision of the entire cosmos. Supreme happiness, fee from pleasure, pain or misery, is experienced. Samadhi is the climax of Dhyana.
The group of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi is called "Samyama" (the internal Yoga) in the Science of Yoga. The first five stages - yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara - Constitute the External Yoga. If all these five stages are practised and followed in life, virtues like morality, morally sound conduct and good character are develope3d in man. Besides, there is all-round progress in human life, physically, intellectually and spiritually and man attains physical fitness and mental equanimity.
Thus, asanas are only one of the stages of Yoga. Most of the aspirants practising Yoga practise, in fact, these asanas. However, all the eight stages of Yoga are of importance. the practice of all the stages together and Pranayama bring a good deal of permanent benefits.
Healthy Habits For Healthy Life
1. Food - Healthy people don't diet. However, they do pay attention to what they eat and how they eat. As a general rule, meals that are lean on meat and rich in vegetables are healthy choices. Make sure that you eat at least 2 to 3 servings of fish a week. Try a meatless day. Beans and other legumes are excellent sources of protein and are a lot healthier than meat. Keep portion sizes small. Cut back on sugar wherever you can. Watch your salt intake. Experiment with spices. And most importantly, take time to enjoy what you eat.
2. Water - Drinking enough water is something that almost all of us can improve on. It may come as a shock to know that we should be consuming (in ounces) at least half our body weight in water each day.Getting enough water each day helps keep our skin healthy and more resistant to disease. Also, water is good for the bowels by flushing out toxins from our bodies. When we're not getting enough water each day, we can become tired, lethargic and irritable.
3. Exercise - This does not mean joining a gym. However, there's nothing wrong with that. Adding movement to your routine is an excellent means of staying fit and healthy. Avoid polluted areas for a walk. A couple of rounds in a nearby park will pump your spirits up. If you are game for company, motivate your neighbours to join. Some like walking alone. Such people can try taking a walkman along and listen to some good morning ragas.
A good walk in the evenings too is beneficial for health. When exercising outdoors in the winter time, choose all weather, well cushioned flat-soled shoes and thick cotton socks.Just going out for a 20 to 30 minute walk each day has proven benefits to the cardio-pulmonary system.
4. Rest - Most of us don't sleep enough. This is a primary area where we skimp to accommodate getting more out of each day. Stop and think for a moment. In the grand scheme of things, just how important are those things that we do that take us away from getting enough sleep each night. Sleep is the time when the body repairs itself. Not getting enough sleep is a major reason for making us less resistant to disease.
5. Dental Hygiene - The results of good dental hygiene is not just white teeth. Practicing good dental hygiene will not only allow you to keep your teeth thereby allowing you to eat properly but it also protects you against diseases by controlling bacteria, plaque, tartar and other elements that can actually enter your blood stream and cause illness. Brush and floss daily for best results.
6. Get Outdoors - Get some sun but don't overdo it. Too much sun without proper protection can do a lot of harm. Ten to twenty minutes of sun each day can go a long way to improve sleeping habits, improve your mood and increase vitamin D levels. People who live a longest come from sunny climates.
7. Connect with Others - This is a personal connection, a live connection with real people; not a virtual connection. We are social creatures. We absolutely need the company of others. People who maintain contact with others whether through church, family, community or volunteer work tend to live longer healthier lives.
8. Take up a Hobby - Engage in activities not related to work. This is an excellent form of relaxation which is a fundamental component of good health.
9. Have Goals - Healthy people tend to know the "what" and "why" of their actions at any given time. People who have goals have something that they can work for. Having goals is highly motivating and motivated people tend to be more successful at accomplishing the goals they set for themselves.
10. Establish Routines - As long as you're not obsessive-compulsive about it, routines can go a long way to incorporate a degree of predictability and consistency in our lives. Predictability and consistency give us security and comfort and can actually help us reduce stress.
11. Be Forgiving - Forgiving involves both being positive and understanding. Healthy people focus this ability on others as well as on themselves.
12. Laugh - There's a lot of truth in the old adage, "laughter is the best medicine." Scientific studies have found that laughter is responsible for chemical changes in the brain that, among other things, acts to strengthen the immune system.
Health Insurance- Importance
As money continues to get tighter and tighter for the average family, many "extras" are being cut to make room in the budget for the necessities. One item that some people may consider overlooking is insurance. Life and health insurance may seem like an unnecessary expense when they are not being used, but rest assured that there are very important and sound financial investments.
The Importance of Life Insurance
Life insurance is one of those things you hope you never use, but need nonetheless. Life insurance is insurance that pays a benefit to your designated beneficiaries if you die while the coverage is in place. The money can be use to pay your funeral expenses, which average close to $10,000, and then help your beneficiaries maintain their normal quality of life if they depended on your income.
For instance, if you are married and have children at home, your death would greatly impact your family. Not only would they be left paying the thousands of dollars due for your funeral, but they would also suddenly be without your income. They could lose their home, car, and other valuable possessions, just trying to make ends meet.
If, however, you have life insurance, your family will have a way to pay your funeral expenses. They may also be able to pay off their mortgage, and then put the rest of the money into a fund to grow over time, thus allowing them to have some income off of the interest. Your life insurance policy could also ensure that your children are able to attend college some day.
You may be thinking that you are young and healthy, so there is no need to buy life insurance. You may even be single, so your family is not a concern. This is the best time to buy life insurance, however, because your premiums are going to be quite low. Your age and health are factors that determine how much your premiums cost, so the younger and healthier you are, the less you will pay for a life insurance policy.
The Need for Health Insurance
Health insurance is not cheap, and many people feel they can get by without it. After all, they are going to be paying out of pocket for many of their medical bills anyways, because most policies have deductibles and co-pays. Health insurance, like life insurance, is one of those products that you do not realize the need for until it is too late.
Health insurance may help with day-to-day medical expenses, such as checkups and vaccinations, but many policies are designed more to help with catastrophic illnesses or injuries. If you are suddenly diagnosed with cancer or some other life-threatening illness, having health insurance is the only way to ensure that you will be able to access the treatment that you need. Without health insurance, you will have to pay out of your own pocket for your treatment, and some hospitals and doctors will demand a portion of the payment upfront.
Another reason that you need health insurance, even if you pay a high deductible and end up paying many of your medical bills yourself, is the fact that you will pay less for medical care if you are insured.Health insurance companies negotiate discounts with medical providers that you cannot receive if you are not insured.
Health insurance helps provide the assurance that you will be able to afford the care you need when you or a member of your family becomes ill. You may be required to have insurance to work certain jobs or attend school, including college. It is simply a wise investment, because you never know what your future health may be. Living without health insurance is a risk that is not worth taking.
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Common Health Issues
A Acidity : Acne : Alcoholism : Allergy : Alzheimer : Amnesia : Anaemia :
Anorexia : Appendicitis : Arthritis : Asthma : Athletes Foot
B Backache : Blackheads : Body Odor : Body Rashes : Boils : Bone Spur : Bronchitis : Burning Tongue : Burns
C Canker Sores : Cataract : Chicken Pox : Cholera : Cirrhosis Of Liver : Common Cold : Common Fever : Conjunctivitis : Constipation : Corns : Coronary Heart disease : Cough
D Dandruff : Dark Skin : Dark Underarms : Defective Vision : Depression : Diabetes : Diarrhea : Discoloration of Lips : Dry Chapped Lips
E Earache : Eczema
F Flatulence
G Gaining Weight : Gastritis : Genital Warts : Gingivitis : Goiter : Gout
H Hair Loss : Halitosis : Hangover : Head Louse : Headache : Heart Palpitation : Heartburn Herpes : Hiccups : High Cholesterol : High Blood Pressure : Hives Hysteria
I Indigestion : Influenza : Insomnia : Intestinal Worms : Itching
J Jaundice
K Kidney Stones
L Leg Cramps : Lethargy : Leucoderma : Leucorrhoea : Low Blood Pressure
M Malaria : Measles : Menopausal Disorder : Menstrual Problems : Migraine : Morning Sickness : Mumps
N Nausea : Nervousness : Neuritis : Nose Bleed
O Obesity
P Peptic Ulcer : Piles : Pneumonia : Poison Ivy : Premature Graying Of Hair : Prostate Disorders : Psoriasis : Pyorrhea
R Razor Burns : Rheumatism : Ringworm
S Scurvy : Sexual Impotence : Sinusitis : Skin Abrasion : Snoring : Sore Throat : Sprain : Stomach Ache : Stress : Stretch Marks Removal : Sunburn
T Tinnitus : Tired Eyes : Toe Nail Fungus : Tonsillitis : Toothache : Tuberculosis : Teeth Discoloration
U Urinary Tract Infection
V Varicose Veins :
W Warts : Whooping Cough : Wrinkles
Y Yeast Infection
Mental Stress-Remedies
When hearing the word "stress" - negative meanings often come to mind. The truth is that certain levels of stress can increase our effectiveness, job productivity and generally can be very helpful. As long as you control the stress and not vice versa. Stress gets the adrenaline hormone flowing through the body, which in turn makes senses sharpen and blood run more vigorously through the veins. This provides energy to the human body, and we all know what it is like to function without energy. Everything looks overwhelming, we feel tired, it seems to us that the task or tasks we need to do can't be done right now. The right level of stress can help us function, be more efficient and even increase our memorizing abilities.
So, when a person is experiencing stress the correct question should be - How can the levels of stress be lowered so that one can enjoy positive outcome and avoid negative outcomes?
These are several Stress Management Techniques...
1. Set achievable goals for yourself. A great deal of stress can come from situations you choose to put yourself in. Whether it's a stressful career, taking care of some matter of highest important to you or even a stressing daily chore, it is not wrong to consider "going easy" on yourself. Try to sit quietly and realize what you expect from yourself, what is realistic to expect and is taking too much of your energy and time.
2. Set aside time for relaxation. Even when the goals you have set for yourself and to do list are both very sensible, relaxation is important.
3. Use your choice of stress therapy. Sometimes relaxation is not enough. Then, a little extra something is needed in order to lower the tension and stress levels your body is feeling. This can be a warm bath, listening to music, have a walk in the park or whatever else helps you.
Five Quick Stress Management Techniques You Can Use Right Now!
How do you react when things don't go your way? Do you stay positive or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? Our personality determines to a great extent how we handle stress in our lives. Here are 5 quick stress techniques to help keep your life in control.
1. Sleep more. Most people don't get the needed sleep they deserve; it's common for people to sleep less than 6 hours. According to Experts we need at least 8 hours. Both the body and mind need this time to rest. Lack of sleeps tends to make us tired and cranky. One way to fight this is to make your bedroom a sacred place. Don't use it to watch the news or finish up some work from the office. Instead it should be a place to relax and escape from your daily worries.
2. Faith. Reciting a short prayer in times of stress can give you a sense of calm. Studies have shown that people who trust in something beyond themselves have lower blood pressure. Try not to hold a grudge over someone because it can affect your health.
3. Go offline. Most people depend on their cell phones or computers in ways that can sometimes be straining. The convenience of them can actually do more harm than good. This accessibility means that we can be contacted and interrupted by people from work. Sometimes you also need to break from friends who call you every day. Go offline and let them know you can not be reached at certain times.
4. Take a holiday. It doesn't have to be a luxurious vacation resort. A day at the beach or an afternoon at the park can be just what you need. Any place where you feel free and avoid thoughts about work, bills or other things that causes tensions. It's important to take time for yourself, so do it! You will feel better if you let yourself.
5. Indulge. Join a yoga class at your local gym or community center. You'll feel much better after just one session. A massage or a spa session is also a great way to recharge your batteries. You'll walk out feeling like a new person.
Stress can be hard to avoid. But how you handle it is up to you. Try these Suggestions and see what works for you!
Stress Management - Relieve Your Stress by Helping Others
If you're anything like me you get something on your mind and you can't think of anything else. It's almost like we're looking for a way to not only get stressed, but to stay stressed. By keeping a negative thought continuously flowing in your mind your heading down the path of stress and depression. This takes its toll on you and your family. It can affect the way you react to your spouse and kids. Causing arguments that just keep going.
How about if I told you one of the best ways to help yourself is by helping others. When you help people that are less fortunate then you and yes there are people less fortunate then you- you are almost force to stop thinking of your own problems and see life in a whole new prospective. The stack of bills are not as important when you see someone without a home, that argument about whose turn it is to make dinner has less importance when you realize that you have a dinner to prepare.
Volunteering doesn't have to be a big or long term commitment so no excuses please. So take the focus off yourself and put it on someone or something else in a positive way.
So you don't know where to volunteer. Here's a list to get you started.
1. Local Church - need volunteers in the kitchen or at funerals and other services
2. Library - put books away or read to the children
3. Meals on Wheels - deliver meals to the homebound
4. Nursing home - just someone to talk, read, play games. If you want to do something really big adopt a grandparent.
5. Animal shelter - those pets need to be fed cared for and maybe a little love wouldn't hurt.
6. If all else fails check out Volunteers of America website.
Find something that suites you and your interests and your personality. If you don't feel comfortable with children don't volunteer to read to them at the library.
Volunteering keeps you from taking little things for granted and focus on the most important things in life. It feels good and you'll find you have an attitude of gratitude. Can you think of a better way to get rid of stress and depression.
Learn how to dramatically improve your stress relief results by claiming your FREE 5 Part customized home study course. You get instant access at
Mental Stress- causes n Effects
-- Work and the workplace problems is the biggest contributor to our stress. This is almost to be expected, since we spend one third of a day at work. Our job demands a certain performance and result from us, with limitation of resources. We are expected to compress maximum outputs within minimal resources. Normally, this demand is making stretching effect on us, which causes stress.
Bringing our work at home is cause of stress, since instead of relaxing we are still engaged with work.
Although some people are not working, that does not means that they are stress free. Demand of school or study can also be a cause of stress.
-- Money is necessary in or life, since nothing is for free. But here are two problems. First problem lays in the fact that our income is always limited, while our imagination of spending money is literally unlimited. The second problem is that more we earn the more we spend, but when we start to earn less, the spending habits stays. Indeed, it is difficult to cope with all temptation from marketing messages that we receive.
-- Family is frequent cause of stress. Having a family is the obligation that can occupy us beyond our capacity, which is causing stress. Things get worse when family problem is multiplied with money or work problem. You can be under a stress due to the influence of some family member to you. But even if family members do not influence you directly, you are still influenced. If some family member has some major problem, you have it too, until a certain extent.
-- Social factors can cause stress. Sometimes, if our pride is hurt we feel stressed. Nobody likes to be ashamed of something. Fighting competition can cause stress. If you envy somebody, you cannot stay calm. Traffic jam or cue can stress you. If you are being discriminated you can feel stressed.
Actually, there are many ways to be stressed. There are many things that cause stress. It would be difficult to avoid all stress situations. But if we learn and understand what causes stress in our life, if we become aware and able to anticipate stress, we will be in better position to face stress. Understanding and knowing the causes of stress can give us ability to anticipate stress. Once we know cause of stress and we get the ability to anticipate stress, we will be prepared to cope with stress and to recover after the stress period.
Effects of Stress
Stress is difficult for scientists to define because it is a highly subjective phenomenon that differs for each of us. Things that are distressful for some individuals can be pleasurable for others. We also respond to stress differently. Some people blush, some eat more while others grow pale or eat less. There are numerous physical as well as emotional responses as illustrated by the following list of some 50 common signs and symptoms of stress.
1. Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain
2. Gritting, grinding teeth
3. Stuttering or stammering
4. Tremors, trembling of lips, hands
5. Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms
6. Light headedness, faintness, dizziness
7. Ringing, buzzing or "popping sounds
8. Frequent blushing, sweating
9. Cold or sweaty hands, feet
10. Dry mouth, problems swallowing
11. Frequent colds, infections, herpes sores
12. Rashes, itching, hives, "goose bumps"
13. Unexplained or frequent "allergy" attacks
14. Heartburn, stomach pain, nausea
15. Excess belching, flatulence
16. Constipation, diarrhea
17. Difficulty breathing, sighing
18. Sudden attacks of panic
19. Chest pain, palpitations
20. Frequent urination
21. Poor sexual desire or performance
22. Excess anxiety, worry, guilt, nervousness
23. Increased anger, frustration, hostility
24. Depression, frequent or wild mood swings
25. Increased or decreased appetite
26. Insomnia, nightmares, disturbing dreams
27. Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts
28. Trouble learning new information
29. Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusion
30. Difficulty in making decisions.
31. Feeling overloaded or overwhelmed.
32. Frequent crying spells or suicidal thoughts
33. Feelings of loneliness or worthlessness
34. Little interest in appearance, punctuality
35. Nervous habits, fidgeting, feet tapping
36. Increased frustration, irritability, edginess
37. Overreaction to petty annoyances
38. Increased number of minor accidents
39. Obsessive or compulsive behavior
40. Reduced work efficiency or productivity
41. Lies or excuses to cover up poor work
42. Rapid or mumbled speech
43. Excessive defensiveness or suspiciousness
44. Problems in communication, sharing
45. Social withdrawal and isolation
46. Constant tiredness, weakness, fatigue
47. Frequent use of over-the-counter drugs
48. Weight gain or loss without diet
49. Increased smoking, alcohol or drug use
50. Excessive gambling or impulse buying
Increased stress results in increased productivity – up to a point, after which things go rapidly downhill. However, that point or peak differs for each of us, so you need to be sensitive to the early warning symptoms and signs that suggest a stress overload is starting to push you over the hump. Such signals also differ for each of us and can be so subtle that they are often ignored until it is too late. Not infrequently, others are aware that you may be headed for trouble before you are.