Balanced Protein Rich Diet
Proteins provide necessary health, vigor and energy and are a must in your diet.Proteins from vegetable sources like pulses, nuts, mushrooms, cottage cheese do not contain harmful cholesterol and are good for the body.
Enjoy grilled or baked fish, chicken and seafood.Add fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and sprouts to your diets in the form of salads before and during meals to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals and many vital ingredients which your body needs.
Restrict carbohydrate and fat intake
Small amounts of fat are essential for the maintenance of a healthy body, but excess is bad for the heart and the body.The problem is that most foods which are palatable and enjoyable are carbohydrate and fat rich! So dieting becomes a chore to be hated. So a little bit of everything is good, it is the excess that is bad.
Add whole grain cereals like brown rice, whole wheat bread, home made breads made with wheat grain, multigrain bread, porridge, and oats as they help to fill you up. They contain vital fiber, most essential to the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.
Cut down refined cereals (white bread, white rice), roots and tubers such as potato, sweet potato, tapioca and yam. All these have high carbohydrate content. Fast foods like burgers, fries etc also need to be cut out of the diet. Limit fat intake by reducing intake of red meat, fried foods of all kinds, butter, cream, mayonnaise, cutlets, burgers, fries and other fast foods. In case you cannot eliminate them from your diet, take your favorite food, only once a week.
Cook the healthy way. Reduce and eliminate frying. Instead, roast and bake your food. Eat roasted dry fruits or in the raw and avoid salted and sweetened snacks.
Reduce white sugar intake
One sure way to find good health, increased vitality and energy levels is to cut and reduce white sugar intake. Processed white sugar is not good for the body. Try honey or jaggery instead.
Snack Often
Snacks such as fresh fruit and roasted dry fruits (without salt or sugar being added to them) are a good way to control hunger pangs. They are healthy and also provide much needed fiber.
Eat more than three meals
Instead of three large meals, it is better to eat say 5 small meals. But the breakfast should be big and healthy as it has to provide calories to jump start the day.It is fun and healthy too. Learn to
stop eating after one serving. Never over eat. Your body will always tell you when it is full. It gives you enough hints when it is hungry. Listen to it. It knows best.
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