If neglected,it can lead to many serious issues like ...
* Neck shoulder and low back ache
* Tremendous headache
* Dry eyes
* Blurred vision or change in color perception
* Dizziness or nausea
* Difficulty in concentration
* Migraine or even
* Loss of Sight.

As its always said,Prevention is better than Cure,take good care of your Eyes for they are the most delicate and vital part of our body.
Below are some simple but yet effective remedies that you can follow at your work place as well to avoid all these issues...
> Take regular breaks to relax the eye muscles - occasionally look away from the monitor and focus on a distant object for a few seconds to give your eyes a rest.
> Close your eyes for a few minutes to ease the strain, this is a commonly overlooked remedy for eye strain.
> Practice eye exercises such as blinking or rolling your eyes - blinking moistens the eyes and relieves tight eye muscles.
> Make vertical and horizontal movements of the eyes to the maximum extreme every 30 minutes if possible.This will ease the blood flow in eyes.
> Keep the contrast levels of your computer screen low to minimize eye strain.
> Minimize lighting reflections and glare at your workplace.
> If possible alternate computer activities with other tasks.
> Use Anti-glare screens or glasses if possible.
> When its required you can use artificial tears to moisten dry eyes.
And for the last and definitely not the least , make sure you take sufficient nutritional supplements such as Vitamin A and beta carotene which the risk of eye strain.You can find them in many red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, as well as in green, leafy vegetables.
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